Computer Vision

Modern-day computer vision technologies support the creation of systems capable of analyzing large volumes of digital content to gain high-level understanding and react instantly. Our experts can help you plan and implement computer vision-based solutions able to deliver the new generation of automatic visual data processing for object detection and recognition. 


Computer vision has multiple applications in various fields and industries.

Person detection

Real-time human detection can be an extremely powerful business tool with a high number of possible applications.

Facial recognition

Facial recognition is another highly versatile technology that can be utilised for attendance management, security, employee tracking and in multiple other ways.

Automatic text or numbers recognition

Automatic text and numbers recognition can simplify data entry, enhance security and business automation.

Object detection

SUSH Labs expats are able to implement custom object detection models that will fit individual requirements of your business. 

Case Studies


It’s the Kiwibank Mobile Banking app you know and love, only better, rebuilt from the ground up.
App banner for NZ blood app

NZ Blood Service

This app features everything you need to book your next blood donation appointment in New Zealand.

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